About GcMAF?

Discover more about GcMAF and how it works.

All GcMAFpets products are made in an Australian GMP ISO22716 certified laboratory and tested to be 100% bioidentical to GcMAF naturally produced in the body.

What does GcMAF stand for?

GcMAF is a special type of regulatory protein found naturally in all vertebrate animals. It is produced in the body via deglycosylation of Vitamin D-binding proteins (Glycoproteins) – this is where the Gc’ part of the name stems from. The ‘MAF’ part is short for Macrophage Activating Factor. This is the ability of the new amended protein to activate macrophages (special types of white blood cells) into a state capable of eradicating cellular threats such as infections, cancers, toxins, bacteria and inflammation. GcMAF fulfills multiple roles within a healthy functioning immune system across all types of vertebrate animals and humans. It’s deficiency therefore poses numerous issues to how the animal’s immune system not only eradicates existing harmful cells, but also how it identifies and removes new threats as they emerge. By nature this can create a debilitating cycle which exacerbates illness and disease, which is why sufficient GcMAF is so important in a healthy functioning immune system.

What does GcMAFpets stand for?

Glycoprotein derived




What is Macrophage Activating Factor (MAF)?

The most notable function of GcMAF within immune defense is its role as a Macrophage Activating Factor (MAF). Macrophages are one of 3 types types of phagocytes, special cells which engulf and eradicate other harmful or invasive cells. Because of this macrophages are often referred to as the ‘cleanup crew’ of the body, or from their Greek meaning being ‘big eaters’. They do this via a process known as phagocytosis where activated macrophages are instructed to engulf unwanted cells which are then processed through the animal’s elimination systems. This is the immune’s primary mechanism of fighting back against viruses, tumors, infections, antigens, toxins, cancers, bacteria and inflammatory cells. However to do this macrophages first need to be in an activated state. This is where GcMAF is so important. Without it macrophages remain in a dormant state incapable of phagocytosis and therefore encourage the proliferation of illness.

What is immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy is a broad category for medical treatments designed to boost (or suppresses) the immune system’s natural capacity to respond to illness. Although a relatively new field for animals, immunotherapy has quickly emerged as one of the most exciting, promising and groundbreaking spaces within the broader veterinarian industry. It is currently the focus of billions of dollars worth of research projects across many species of animals. Initially focused almost primarily around its use on cancers, immunotherapy is now being used across a very wide range of health conditions the immune system is capable of regulating.

GcMAF as an immunotherapy approach

GcMAF itself is not an immunotherapy; it is simply a protein found in all healthy vertebrate animals. It is the actual process of supplementing GcMAF proteins from an external source to a sick animal which makes it a type of immunotherapy. This allows a controlled influx of new GcMAF to more aggressively fulfill its innate response within the immune system’s response to cellular threats. From what we have covered about the role of the natural role of GcMAF above, in very simplistic terms the basis of this approach is that…

More GcMAF = more macrophages activated = more phagocytosis (destruction of harmful cells).

Ofcourse there are other factors at play here, but essentially this approach is all about giving the immune system what it needs to fight against illness rather than bypassing or overriding it. This makes it a safe, natural and sustainable approach which also compliments other traditional or non-traditional treatment methods your animal may currently be undertaking.

The cyclic effect of GcMAF, nagalase and illness

Often when an animal is sick, its natural capacity to produce its own GcMAF becomes severely inhibited. This is particularly the case with cancers, tumors, viruses and certain other conditions which also cause the release of a destructive enzyme called nagalase. This creates a cycle where the presence of an illness requiring more GcMAF to help the immune system fight against it, will actually cause the opposite to happen and significantly inhibits it. Not only can this potentially render the immune system unable to fight against the current condition, it may also allow new threats to slip past defense mechanisms reliant upon the presence of GcMAF to work as intended. The result is a cycle of cause and effect which proliferates overall bad health.

How GcMAFpets products work

The diagrams below outline the process of delivery, distribution and activation for the 2 product formats in the GcMAFpets range. Please click on each to view a larger version.

What is Macrophage Activating Factor (MAF)?

The most notable function of GcMAF within immune defense is its role as a Macrophage Activating Factor (MAF). Macrophages are one of 3 types types of phagocytes, special cells which engulf and eradicate other harmful or invasive cells. Because of this macrophages are often referred to as the ‘cleanup crew’ of the body, or from their Greek meaning being ‘big eaters’. They do this via a process known as phagocytosis where activated macrophages are instructed to engulf unwanted cells which are then processed through the animal’s elimination systems. This is the immune’s primary mechanism of fighting back against viruses, tumors, infections, antigens, toxins, cancers, bacteria and inflammatory cells. However to do this macrophages first need to be in an activated state. This is where GcMAF is so important. Without it macrophages remain in a dormant state incapable of phagocytosis and therefore encourage the proliferation of illness.

What is immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy is a broad category for medical treatments designed to boost (or suppresses) the immune system’s natural capacity to respond to illness. Although a relatively new field for animals, immunotherapy has quickly emerged as one of the most exciting, promising and groundbreaking spaces within the broader veterinarian industry. It is currently the focus of billions of dollars worth of research projects across many species of animals. Initially focused almost primarily around its use on cancers, immunotherapy is now being used across a very wide range of health conditions the immune system is capable of regulating.

GcMAF as an immunotherapy approach

GcMAF itself is not an immunotherapy; it is simply a protein found in all healthy vertebrate animals. It is the actual process of supplementing GcMAF proteins from an external source to a sick animal which makes it a type of immunotherapy. This allows a controlled influx of new GcMAF to more aggressively fulfill its innate response within the immune system’s response to cellular threats. From what we have covered about the role of the natural role of GcMAF above, in very simplistic terms the basis of this approach is that…

More GcMAF = more macrophages activated = more phagocytosis (destruction of harmful cells).

Ofcourse there are other factors at play here, but essentially this approach is all about giving the immune system what it needs to fight against illness rather than bypassing or overriding it. This makes it a safe, natural and sustainable approach which also compliments other traditional or non-traditional treatment methods your animal may currently be undertaking.

The cyclic effect of GcMAF, nagalase and illness

Often when an animal is sick, its natural capacity to produce its own GcMAF becomes severely inhibited. This is particularly the case with cancers, tumors, viruses and certain other conditions which also cause the release of a destructive enzyme called nagalase. This creates a cycle where the presence of an illness requiring more GcMAF to help the immune system fight against it, will actually cause the opposite to happen and significantly inhibits it. Not only can this potentially render the immune system unable to fight against the current condition, it may also allow new threats to slip past defense mechanisms reliant upon the presence of GcMAF to work as intended. The result is a cycle of cause and effect which proliferates overall bad health.

How GcMAFpets products work

The diagrams below outline the process of delivery, distribution and activation for the 2 product formats in the GcMAFpets range. Please click on each to view a larger version.

Transdermal gels

click to enlarge

Oral Sprays

click to enlarge

Other biological functions GcMAF is known to assist

In addition to being a macrophage activator, GcMAF has been demonstrated through various scientific studies as capable of performing other important functions within the body. below is an outline of some of these with links to the referenced study for further reading.

Angiogenesis inhibitor (restricting the formation of new blood cells to tumors facilitating growth)

“Inhibit the angiogenesis induced by pro-inflammatory prostaglandin E1” (1)

“The effect of Gc-MAF on chemotaxis or activation of tumoricidal macrophages is likely the main mechanism against angiogenesis.” (2)

Induces apoptosis – the elimination of potentially cancerous and virus-infected cells

“In this study we demonstrate that GcMAF stimulates macrophages, which in turn attack human breast cancer cells, induce their apoptosis and eventually phagocytize them” (3)

“Even the changes in the morphology of the cytoplasm were consistent with the induction of apoptosis by GcMAF-activated macrophages” (4)

Reversal of specific phenotypes (genetic/cellular variants resulting from numerous conditions)

“GcMAF was able to reduce the protein levels of the alternative activated phenotype M2 macrophage marker” (5)

Stimulating energy production at mitochondrial level

“GcMAF at pM concentration increased neuronal cell viability and metabolism through increased mitochondrial enzyme activity.” (6)